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Date: Tue
Dec 20 01:09:36 2005
Referred By: Winnie


My heartfelt sympathies to those who wanted to believe, who wanted answers, and are now left with questions. It is rightly said that "for those who believe, no reason is needed, for those who don't, no reason is enough". Those of you who bear the scars given to you by this so called holy man, well, a great lesson should have been learnt in the process, most of these so called God men are just ordinary conmen hoodwinking other lost souls. May the lessons learnt by you never be lost.. All I can say is that some people have been bad mouthing Indians and India, and all I can say in their defense is that there are good and bad people everywhere, it is a cliché but true. Even for an outsider like me, it clear that Sai Baba is a product of his organisation's marketing strategy. He is not God, nowhere near it, he is not even a half way decent human being.

Home Page:
Date: Tue
Dec 13 15:13:05 2005
Referred By: Robert Priddy IP  


David Bailey is the one who is beyond reproach, not SSB! Bailey is not a known child molester, there is no shred of evidence anywhere even to suggest it, and you know it! His wife Faye has never stated any such thing. Nor has he ever been imprisoned, nor did he 'hang himself ' in jail, lies which so many "Sai devotees" like to spread as a rumour. David Bailey was made a VIP by Sai Baba because he had a name and had personally contacts with the British Royal Family and taught music at the preparatory school where Prince William and Harry went (Click to see his testimony). Sai Baba was very keen to get the British Royal Family to worship him on his own terms (as always), shown by the way he gave Sarah Ferguson the red carpet treatment! It was only when Bailey's connection to the alleged paedophile Sai Baba was discovered by the UK secret service that he had to leave that school. However, David Bailey is thriving, as can be seen on his website at  
Linda, what a shame that your karma is being trapped in slandering David Bailey without even a single testimony to back up your lies! We in the exposé defend dharma (what is true, right and good) in helping the dozens who have testified sex abuse by SSB - whom are plenty are known personally to many of us - and in supporting numerous defenseless victims who contact us confidentially.

We are upright and not afraid, like you, Linda whoever you are... for you dare not even give your proper full name like all the many cowardly and cheap slanderers from the Sai camp (but your IP is from Australia). You are (apparently) not male, so how could you know about the homosexual abuses personally or have any idea whether Sai Baba is "beyond reproach", however many private interviews you got? Have you watched over his bedroom every night, or been allowed behind the closed private interview room doors or curtains when boys and young men are there? Did you know how four men were murdered in cold blood in his bedroom... not at all strange to you, but all very much beyond reproach in your blind belief.  Besides, what use is a private interview with a demonstrated and documented liar, shown to be a fraud even by the clearest possible BBC filming (no lingam came out!!), who uses sleight of hand and gives baubles which he claims are very valuable, an all-round deceiver and an imperious and often threatening person from whom almost never one can get a straight answer, or mostly one that is often vague, irrelevant or directly untrue, as so many have discovered? Only the self-brain-washed can believe otherwise.

How can a weak-minded woman who believes in any old hearsay about Bailey tell who is a "great spiritual teacher"? I too have often heard him grind out the same old penny proverbs at interviews, and ridicule people to raise a laugh. Sai Baba repeats endlessly vague general directions to everyone, contradicts himself repeatedly, tells dozens of boastful self-enhancing stories about himself, shows complete ignorance of  science like physics (atoms, magnetism, human physiology, palaeontology, modern biology) and gets dozens of scriptural and historical facts completely wrong... apart from all his unfulfilled promises and incredible prophesies - plus his spreading rumours and world catastrophe scares in many private interviews which he knows devotees tell other in confidence, and then yet others and so on? Why are 'human rights' and 'human justice' not among his human values? Because he is scared of the law, and with good reason!

Home Page:
Sun Dec 11 12:04:21 2005
Referred By:


David Bailey is a known child molester - Faye found this out after she maried him. I have heard that David & Faye looked for favours from the Sathya Sai organisation ie to own a room at the ashram without paying for it. And, always wanted VIPs status. I have had many private interviews with Sathya Sai and have found Him to be a great spiritual teacher beyond reproach. So sad for you to have this rotten karmic job

Comments from Ex Baba admin:

Hi "Linda"

Is lying the only karmic job you've learned in your private interviews with Sathya Sai?

Home Page:
Mon Dec 05 15:41:25 2005
Referred By: Robert Priddy IP


The following e-mail was received by me from 'Stone Buildings' by anonymous server IP24.209.35.71 on Saturday, December 03, 2005 1:11 AM Subject: to Priddy... a prayer re your website:- 

Dear Mr Priddy,

I pray to the Father in the name of Jesus that you will stop your attacks on Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I pray that your heart can be opened and that any future criticism from you will recoil upon yourself. Unsigned, 

I found the name 'shriver' on a Yahoo posting from the above e-mail address. Here is my reply:

Hello Shriver,

You can pray all you like, and if you believe it has the slightest effect, why bother me with your prayer? It shows you have little confidence in your imagined 'Father of Jesus' (i.e. the sick man in a wheelchair, Sathya Sai Baba) and hope you can instead by your e-mail influence me away from the truth. Anyhow, if you had any sense, you would know that your prayers are utterly wasted on me. (see

You are also hiding you head in the sand because you evidently fear learning the truth about Sathya Sai Baba.

You show that you have little confidence in yourself because you are hiding your identity away (anonymous IP with a bogus location in the US and fear to state anything about yourself on Yahoo either). This speaks to me of someone who is not upright. In short, something of a creep!

You are also vindictive and have a bitter and unforgiving heart, wanting revenge (i.e. recoiling criticism).Know thyself!

You pray for the supposed law of karma to work, so you evidently lost your faith in that too, if it should depend on your prayers before taking effect! 
I went to Sai Baba with an open heart, but he defrauded me, lied to me and abused my faith in many ways.

He can no longer affect my heart!

Robert Priddy 

Home Page:
Sat Dec 03 14:28:14 2005
Referred By: Robert Priddy IP


Agreed 'John Smith' - or whoever you really are (connected with Danlaw, the Indian communications company?) Then I would also have to point out that - though all pedophiles may be the same or similar, Christian or Hindu, at least no Catholic or Protestant Christian ones have to our knowledge had four young men murdered in their bedrooms and then got the whole investigation case closed down by the top national legal authorities. Down with all molesters of innocent persons and all breakers of criminal law who are avoiding truth and justice.. 

Home Page: 
Fri Dec 02 10:26:01 2005
Referred By: 'John Smith' from Danlaw - anonymous server IP


As much as I hate to say this, it does not seem to be any different than child molesting Christian gurus.

Home Page: 
Date: Fri Dec 02 08:40:24 2005
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There are numerous ashrams in India which does good things quietly and follow the divine path truly. But people do not want to visit them because there won't be any miracles happening. There wont be any wonders happening in solving people's problems.

Instead they would show only spirutual path which would support the everyday life and lead the life peacefuly. But obviously that would be less attractive to a problematic person who wants his problem to be solved at the whisk of an eye.

To me, the first and foremost criteria to avoid fraudulent ashram is to see if there are some wonders happening. If yes, straight away reject the ashram. Try to find ahsram which would not expect anything from people.

There are various trusts which are helping people - Donations should reach them - not to the frauds.


Home Page:
Date: Thu Dec 01 16:01:52 2005
Referred By: Robert Priddy IP


A series of postings were made (all from the same source IP 61.2.183.[130]) on the recent Guestbook under the bogus names 'Sara Goldstein', Heidi Mueller, pat gere, richard gerry and T. Narasimhan - all by the same known liar and defamer. They have been recorded and removed, so anyone who saw them should know the following. The uses of the names Goldstein and Narasimhan are clear giveaway fakes to anyone who knows anything about the Sai movement!
This woman is really called Annika and is well known to persons - and one who lives at an ashram - who have fortunately contacted us about her. She usually hangs around doing nothing at the ashrams in India. She is Swedish and can be apprehended if she returns to Scandinavia because she has tried to defame too many of the wrong people in her cheap and filthy ways and she is confidently awaited to turn up. In her numerous Internet postings she uses false names and - on ExBaba now - a false (anonymous).  She did her worst to defame Glen meloy, but was rebutted very firmly by people who actually knew him. This shows how she is like a viper slinking under a stone with bad conscience and cowardice in her heart.

She tries to defame me as a paedophile - how transparent a lie this is, which says more about her than me by far. She further claims that I probably broke with Sai Baba because I wanted back the money I had donated to him (well over £10,000 in all). However, I have never asked for the money back (anyhow, you can't get blood from a stony heart like Sai Baba has in reality when it comes to personal action!), though I do consider most of it went to waste, embezzlement and corruption which is rife there. No, I broke with Sai Baba because of his enormous deceitfulness and criminal activities (cover up of murders carried out under his overall authority), which was made known to me by one of his closest servitors (a very worried man indeed who confided his many fears to me) Mr. V, K. Narasimhan, editor of Sanathana Sarathi. That and my dosciveries of the truth of many of the sexual allegations after thorough, long-term and painstaking investigations.

Annika also wrote of me "that he lacks the courage of his convictions" or he would "write a book against Sai Baba" adding, in her usual puerile way "Because the Stinking Lying Bitch is scared of being prosecuted under the Defamation Act and having to pay millions of Euroes in damages." 
This is her convincing way showing that Sai Baba is not the sex abuser, but all his critics are! How abysmally pathetic and vicious! 
However, Annika is also of course very badly informed because, besides hundreds of web articles exposing Sathya Sai Baba's lies and deceits of all kinds, I HAVE also published a book against Sai Baba ("End of the Dream" 594 pages - the illumining sequel to my popular former pro-Baba book 'Source of the Dream'). It is available post free in India for Rs. 200.- from B. Premanand, 11/7 Chettipalayam Road, Podnadur - 641 023 Tamil Nadu. 

I laugh outright at the empty threat of being sued - I and the exposé would most welcome it as I would not only be able to expose the whole system of lies and crimes in court here, but would also get major compensation damages, which could be useful! Sai Baba would have to be the one to sue me, but, if Annika has any guts at all, let her come to Scandinavia and try her luck! But what she will do is spew forth her spite and hate wherever she can if she thinks she can avoid getting caught. She can rest assured that she has already broken the law and in Sweden one cannot get away with murder or other crimes so easily as in India, nor bribe the police who will charge her.  

I was also accused of having made a bogus posting,  (by Ramesh SVR - who claims to have been a 'form boy' and sexually abused by Sai Baba) Anyone could see I did not post this as he has a completely different IP to me and is not even on the same continent. So much for Annika's lying tricks.

When Sai devotees who do not practice even the good bits of Sai Baba's superficial teaching have to stoop so low as Annika, what does it say about them and their convictions? Dozens of similar slanderous and filthy postings by people thinking they are Sai followers have been removed, but saved up for investigation and public exposure of those involved as they are gradually traced.

Robert Priddy 

Home Page: 
Date: Tue Nov 29 15:26:14 2005
Referred By:
Ramesh SVR IP: 


I am an ex student. Supposed to have been "In form" ( close to baba) i studied in the school and have gone through many of the things that is mentioned in the site.
Good job done david and faye. Hope this thing comes to light someday.
He is such an A** H*** for playing with little kids minds.

Home Page: 
Date: Tue Nov 29 10:25:36 2005
Referred By:
Hein Reitveld IP:


The fraud "Saibaba" is suffering from the symptoms that he was trying to cure in others by dividing men and women, teaching them to repress their sexuallity.

Home Page:
Date: Mon Nov 28 12:31:47 2005
Referred By:
Robert Priddy


Others do not feel duped by Sai Baba, he has wilfuly and thoroughly deceived people about so many things that it is the con of the century! This Irene thinks she had 'direct experience' with 'this Avatar', but it was her experience and he is certainly no avatar. Her best qualities she has put onto him, as his teaching craftily gets people to do. She does not understand what people were duped because she is evidently a naval-gazer in a projective dependency and doesn't want really to know what other people have experienced or how much damage Sai Baba has actually done, which is covered up by all the blind believers. 

Home Page:
Date: Tue Oct 25 02:14:21 2005
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I would like to use this opportunity to say that no matter what Sai Baba may have done, I cannot deny my direct experience with this Avatar. Seven years leads me to hold him increasingly in my heart and I am not the commitment kind. I am just writing this because I have choice and know my truth. If others feel duped by Swami I am sorry for that and I do not understand it, but it does not change the wonderful things he has done.

Home Page:
Date: Tue Oct 25 01:35:46 2005
Referred By:
Victor Perini


Secrecy is always a prerequisite on the spiritual path to advertise any good deeds is glorifying one's ego
This practice is seldom adhered to in the sai movement.

A total erroneous image of god is presented a god one has to pray and plead to in order to wipe out one's negative karma .

God is too pure to behold inequity in one moment of sincere repentance you are as pure as snow this is a much more liberating and comforting concept one can entertain of god.

God can only be worshiped in silence .

I can never understand why people accept what this megalomaniac have to say. Only India can have avatars is there a god that prefers one country to another?

He says consider yourself lucky to be born an Indian.
Is god a racist?

Thanks for this website for it opens the eyes of people and exposes one of the greatest frauds in history.

Home Page:
Date: Mon Oct 10 16:41:31 2005
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This is really educating. All Puttaparti Sai devotees should open their eyes and use the brains.

Home Page:
Date: Sun Oct 09 04:56:14 2005
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Thankyou for having the guts to create this website.  As someone who spent many years on a so called spiritual journey, I had heard great things about this Sai Baba.  I then met someone who had once been an ardent follower for years but then 'changed their mind' and found out more about this sick individual.  I have no doubt that what you say here is true.  Why would 'god' provide gold for the rich but only ashes for the poor? Crazy man!

Home Page:
Date: Wed Sept 28 00:25:42 2005
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I am an ardent Shirdi Saibaba devotee, and am quite offended that this fraud claims to be an incarnation of Shirdi Sai. Shirdi sai spoke of no such successor. Shirdi Sai himself was a poor fakir who lived in a dilapadated mosque, he cured the sick and helped the poor. This guy parades in Mercedes and lives in a huge house! This is completely against what Shirdi Saibaba was.

Home Page:
Date: Mon Sept 26 17:46:56 2005
Referred By:
Francis Campone


i have to say as a baba follower and spiritual seeker baba is the highest being you will find in the universe. but without proper enlightenment you will never see this i ave followed baba for 15 years very closely and he appears to me all the time.and he really is who he says he is.the embodiment of love

Comment exbaba admin:

This devotee of only 15 years involvement has investigated every being in the entire universe and knows that SSB is the highest?? Many who have had a similar connection to him, and for many more years, have left him because they have found him out... he is a criminal and a homosexual abuser of very high rank!

"...thus continues this devotee, living with his eyes wide shut..."

Home Page:
Date: Sat Sept 24 22:22:41 2005
Referred By: marxkannan

A wonderfull website to expose the Idiot Sail Bababa's follish activities.I welcome it .I have downloaded many clipings and sent all my friends .

Thank you go ahead and add more and more photos and clippings to expose the fool sai bababa

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Date: Thu Sept 22 15:16:12 2005
Referred By: Pdfko

I am a hindu but im not stupid - sai baba is a fraud and is a disgusting human being. I applaud this site, will someone pls take this sick pervert down.

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Date: Fri Sept 16 06:03:56 2005
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thanks..........i knew someone who was in india at his place for 9 years!!!!!!!1 he said    "he has some powers and fakes some of it" !!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Subhadra
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Date: Sat Sept 10 22:04:21 2005
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This website is quite informative.

I applaud your efforts to spread the truth about Sai Baba as a fraud. It is true that social service and public acts of generosity may be viewed kindly by the general populace of India, who desperately need help, in many forms...

The thing about Sai Baba that I find most offensive, is that he claims to be an avatar of God. If one delves even lightly into the major scriptures of India (the Bhagavatham, Bhagavath Gita), one sees that an avatar of the Lord behaves consistantly in certain ways. One important thing to note is that even when Lord Krishna incarnated, He accepted Sandipani muni as His teacher. Lord Rama accepted Vasishta Muni as His teacher, and so on. If these two great incarnations did so, is Sai Baba an even greater incarnation. Also the Lord had all six opulences and never aged in any of His incarnations, remaining ever youthful and 16 years old in appearance, even when over 100 years of age. Why does Sai Baba look his stated age? Isn't the Lord all-attractive, being the most beautiful entity in the cosmos, and captivating the minds of enemies and devotees alike?

Pride comes before the fall, and it is by misleading people in their spiritual beliefs with hoaxs, and flamboyant ideas, Sai Baba's fall will be precipitous...

Keep up the good work with this site

Name: John W. Burkhardt
Home Page:
Date: Sat Sept 10 16:42:32 2005
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To Webmaster. I like your site! I read a remarkable interesting reply from way back to Joe Moreno, but now I can't find the page. Is it still on exbaba? If not, fortunately I had downloaded the text, at least, which I give here:

What Moreno wrote was:

Any one care to divulge the recipe of amrita? I have never tasted anything so exquisite in my life. Anyone who could come up with the  recipe (that should not be too difficult considering some poor, conniving person in India is making it), could make a  lot of money making amrita. It’s taste is beyond description. Everyone single person who has tasted it has had the same  response. A taste and fragrance beyond compare. I know I would buy it in the gallons, if I could. Has anyone been able to duplicate the forumula? Why not?

And replied:

The recipe for amrita is simple sugar water with tea rose essence, the result is identical to so-called 'Sai amrit'. The tea rose essence in seldom met with, so it make the amrit perfume/taste seem unique. See nectar of the gods? Or rose water?
Like most others, moreno believes it 'exquisite' because of what it represented to him :the grace of god to him (in sensory, culinary form!) As conferring eternal life on the devas (in the 'ramayana' myth). One imagines it is often taken in Sai circles to mean that Sai Baba is lining one up for liberation. But it's all in the mind, Moreno.
Same with the amrit at Srirangapatnam 'orphanage'. The 'flow'of amrit from the amulets is just a dribble, not much at all. When visitors increased, suddenly there were two amulets, but there was originally only one!) Halagappa does not allow it to rest on your hand more than a short time. The amulets may well be hollow with concealed opening at top and bottom, which allows more amrit to run out, but Halagappa never allows genuine examination of either amulet (he limits it to seconds)! (the 'Seduced' film team were not able to test it properly. One would think this would be very helpful to all, IF it were genuine). One is not allowed to dry it off and wait for a new flow, for example. Why?

Sometimes Halagappa scrapes away the flow with his spoon beneath the amulet on your hand to show that yet more will flow, but then the amulet gets more amrit from the spoon as he is scraping up to it. A clever deceit! Then there are the feet of Shirdi carved in stone which allegedly "sweat amrit". Why does Halagappa stand nearby while one tests it? (There is such a thing as a simple hydraulic footpump).

What happened to the miraculous vibuthi box Halagappa allegedly 'found', which refills itself when shaken? He told one of us it had stopped producing any more!
Here the Sai temple orphans wear rags & have no proper books or other facilities, while Halagappa's (second) wife wears diamonds and where the 'temple' has been marbled and beautified at great expense. Yet the donations made by visitors are truly enormous. The taxi firms are hand-in-glove with halagappa too... One big scam!

Sai Baba has himself warned in discourses against "happenings in Mysore and Madras" (Sathya Sai Speaks vol. 10, p. 186) and "in Mysore state there are some who distribute amrith, vibhuuthi and other articles annopuncing that they are showering from their pictures at their places... Devotees should keep far away from such places and persons" (Sathya Sai Speaks vol. 11, p. 147). So much for the genuineness of Halagappa's tricks and his collection of funds (another financial competitor to the Sai Central Trust!)

Name: M.P. Bhattathiri
Home Page:
Date: Fri Aug 26 03:03:51 2005
Referred By:

Your website is informative and excellent.

Article  by M.P. Bhattathiri, Retired Chief  Technical Examiner , Govt. of Kerala, Radhanivas, Thaliyal, Karamana,Trivandrum 695002, Kerala, India. it may be published in your website and magazine after editing if necessary. 

'Bhagavad Gita and Management' by M.P. Bhattathiri, email:

(Article omitted by Ex Baba Admin)

The attached article on the Gita was excellent but too long for this Guestbook. Please note that  is concerned with exposing deceits and crimes, and does not therefore promote any particular scripture or religion.

Ex Baba Admin

Name: Ganesh from Amsterdam
Home Page:
Date: Wed Aug 24 20:26:32 2005
Referred By:

I just stumbled upon this site and whatever I have read here has upset me very much. I have some respect for Baba as he does a lot of social service and helps many poor people in the villages around Puttaparthi. I have never, though, considered him as a God of any kind .
If any of you have been molested or sexually abused by this man, you have my kindest sympathies. It can be very traumatizing for anyone to face such violations of one's dignity. I am very curious, however, as to how westerners like you end up being hoodwinked by Indian godmen. What attracted you to Sai Baba in the first place? What did you see in him, that you did not see in other Indian godmen or even other great religious men of the world like The Pope or The Dalai Lama? I would appreciate it very much if you could send me a reply to some of these questions.
I hope you find peace and may God give you courage to overcome your trauma.

Our answer to your question:

We advise you to read some of the accounts in the very wide-ranging literature about the ways people get into this... mainly accounts of those who have left Sai Baba after finding our the deceptions as are found on exposé websites, and even perhaps  some of the many books by Western devotees which are on sale in India.

Ex Baba Admin

Name: Beth
Home Page:
Date: Fri Aug 18 09:26:46 2005
Referred By:

I am now 21 years old, I began following Baba when I was about 6 years old. I even went and spent 3 months with him when I was 7 years old. He "made" me a necklace which I treasured for years. I was extremely close friends with one of his victims and I am disgusted and angered with his abuse of power. To those who contine to follow a man who sexually and emotionally abuses children, you WILL answer to the true god on your judgement day... watch yourself

Name: Robert Priddy
Home Page:
Date: Fri Aug 09 22:41:53 2005
Referred By:

Reply to 'Open letter' taken out of old Guestbook postings here by Robert Priddy:


Many of us … had many experiences (with SSB). These turned out not to be of a divine nature but delusions, arising partly through one's own mind and strong desires (including the unconscious), partly through an etheric medium. SB has shown himself to be an outright liar, self-contradictor, boaster, gigantic self-promoter, and he is a crippled 'healer' who says he was cured faster than any other human being! What deceit! All kinds of people have all kinds of "inner talk experience" even with aliens and angels, madmen and famous writers etc.


Close devotees of many years of devoted service died with dreadful sufferings. Ashram head Kutumb Rao (massive incurable cancer), N. Kasturi (6 weeks intense lung pain), V.K. Narasimhan (water on lungs & long choking death), young American crushed by falling dome in Eternal Heritage Museum in 1992, 11 hours hell in taxi to Bangalore with 9 fractures and broken cranium), King and Queen of Nepal - close devotees who visited SB - shot down by their son, John Hislop incurable cancer & dozens more awful deaths among devotees...


Truth is not just whatever one may choose to think - it must be discovered. Look at least at some articles about such discoveries:,  


Only a cognitively deranged person believes that what truly happens (or does not happen) depends on what one thinks or chooses to believe! This is a recipe for mental and spiritual disaster, as seen in the inmates of mental hospitals the world over. In searching for the truth, both what is outer and inner have to be deeply investigated and reconciled to one another. Those who are dependent on God as and "external form" (i.e. as Sai Baba) have CERTAINLY not got far in understanding of themselves, their minds or the truth. Sai Baba has told his devotees that they must free themselves from his form, but they can't do it and he still does all he can to ensure they don't! If this were not all so wrong, one could laugh at their simple-mindedness. They are only to be pitied live in that mirror hall, confused, dependent and withdrawn into a protective cocoon of self-suggestions.


My wife and I did thousands of hours of seva. So did many others who left - a dozen founder members of Centers etc. I was the active worker/leader in Norway for 18 years. Gave very large (for me) sums of money. I found out the truth, so I am not wasting my time. I am not deluded at all by the Sai phenomena, hype or lies any more.


Name: Reinier van der Sandt
Home Page:
Date: Fri Aug 08 14:37:25 2005
Referred By:


I have read your Open Letter, and your writing on because I wanted to know more about you.

You have been providing us for some theories, which is fine and you have the right to do so, but I absolutely don't agree with this:

For them who prefer to conceal the truth, it is an easy job to spoil the name of a man who has come to do good.

because - I assume that your 'who' includes the writers on too - is specifically meant to expose the thruth about Sai Baba. There is evidence enough, just look at the videoclips on this site, the movies and the testimonies from people who are sexually abused.

Name: Nanny Brander
Home Page:
Date: Fri Aug 05 10:41:36 2005
Referred By:

Open letter on account of the discussions on the Internet, connected with Sathya Sai Baba

Why would man be so very afraid of his own shadow? The shadow of his own, unsuspected dark sides, which usually keep hidden in the unknown territories of our sub-consciousness. It takes courage to honestly face those dark sides and to say – “I would like to know you a bit better, because only then will I be able to set myself free from you”.  

What I see to happen regarding Sri Sathya Sai Baba is as old as the world.
Many Saints preceded Him and still many will follow. The Truth (Sathya means Truth in Sanskrit) always and inevitably meets with opposition. He who wants to bring Truth among men sooner or later will find His name dragged in the mud. The opposition (read: the Establishment with its existing relative power) will exert itself to the utmost, in order to destroy the good works of the one who has come to bring Truth. Because Truth itself cannot be grasped – because Truth is Divine – without fail the attack is launched towards the person who has come to bring this Truth among men.

The same happened to the Lord Buddha, the Lord Jesus Christ, to the swami Vivekananda, to Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Tich Nhat Hahn…with more or less dramatic results. Man is short-sighted – he is unable to think at long-range. Unvaryingly Truth appears to start an attack – the attack on existing power-structures that nowadays can only stay alive by means of untruth. Lies, corruption, sensation, selfishness – those are the ingredients to preserve the established order.

Masters have come to the earth - enlightened Masters who know the Truth. Who speak of Love, Compassion and Liberation – liberation from untruth. By the power of Divine Love they know how to touch the hearts of thousands – of millions of people. The very moment they were touched, all these people knew: this is Truth.

It’s a fact that only one or two will trust themselves sufficiently – trust their own Divine Truth within their own hearts – to remain steadfast against the great influence, exerted by Untruth.
It’s a fact that humankind is on a level of evolution, somewhere in between animal nature and divinity.
It’s a fact that man is not yet aware of its own inborn Truth. Man puts his trust in outer appearances – everything that is perceived by his senses, automatically is interpreted by the thinking-faculty, judged and labelled as: true or false, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, and so on.

Truth however – Divine Truth – is a power that goes far beyond our human intellectual faculties. With our simple capacities we are simply not able to comprehend that Truth. That is why we should rely on our hearts. Only our individual hearts can tell us, what is true for us.
Printed words are powerful - that is a well-known fact. The opposition is thoroughly aware of this and in fact eagerly makes use of it.

What is revolving around this Saint, Sathya Sai Baba now, to my opinion is nothing more or less than a Divine test for humanity, to learn and distinguish truth from untruth. And the confusion is great - immensely great – because Baba just does everything immensely great. He gets in touch with the masses – that is His task. Even now He is contacting the masses – through the media and the Internet. To many the chance is granted, to consult their own consciousness and hearts.

For them who prefer to conceal the truth, it is an easy job to spoil the name of a man who has come to do good. It requires little creativity to engineer a slander- campaign, surely with the possibility to make use of a public and worldwide medium like the Internet. We humans always like to make the most of other people’s faults and not see the beam in our own eyes. Naturally the game is about the weaknesses, which modern (Western) man knows himself burdened with. Pornography is rampant. So the most obviouss way to spoil someone’s name would be, to associate that person with the sexual practises we as a species, are swallowing in. It surely wouldn’t be the first time, that a Saint took upon Himself the sins of men…

Let us not forget however, that no blade of grass could grow if the Divine had not willed it.
Again and again the Divine enables us to have a good look at ourselves - to discriminate, to consult our own hearts, to not trust in rumours and gossip. To become STRONG. In this world we have to be as strong as lions. In this world the attacks on righteousness will all the time get stronger and more aggressive.

Rely on Divinity within yourself and behold the greatness of the Masters. Selfless and totally detached as they are, they have always been able to sacrifice themselves (that is: their bodies, their personalities, their names) in order to get something across to us. They make clear to us that falsehood will never persist. Truth will always win, for Truth as a Divine law can never be killed, raped and slandered. God grants us with the grace and power to learn to discriminate. It is up to us, to follow. We can follow falseness and we can choose to follow Truth. This is our own responsibility. Divinity will always and again test us, for us to grow stronger and stronger. For us to find Divine Truth within ourselves. Then nothing will make us waver anymore, on the Path of Evolution.

An enlightened Master like Sathya Sai Baba makes no concessions to human ignorance. He is detached from the world, entirely subservient to the Divine Plan. He is not bothered even, if He was nailed on the cross. He desires no understanding, nor worship. His only desire is to bring humanity closer to Divinity. To our spiritual heritage: the Truth within ourselves.

Reactions are always welcome!
Nanny Brander
Soolstede 3
8426 AV Appelscha

Name: Grandhe
Home Page:
Date: Wed Aug 03 23:42:14 2005

This is a wonderful reading and I really appreciate your efforts. I don't believe any guru/teacher who himself indulge in material comforts (like satya Sai, rajneesh etc)for a simple reason that every human being in the world is after material comforts. Then how are they(guru/masters) different than us when they are indulged in material comforts?

Name: Jithendra
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 25 19:41:33 2005

Hare Krishna

We must take knowledge from the scriptures to know things properly, according to Srimad Bhagavatam Krishna the supreme personality of god head possesses these 6 opulence’s to the fullest extent (wealth, strength, reputation, beauty, knowledge and renunciation).

One cannot become a god by doing some small tricks like showing ash, rings etc. We have so many instances in our scriptures which show people doing miracles through yoga.

If people who do such tricks are gods then David Blaine, David Copperfield, PC Sarcar who are world famous magicians must also be considered gods. They are capable of doing every trick SSB does (in fact even better) and much more than what SSB does.

Please take knowledge from the scriptures and dont be misled by people who claim to incarnation of god. Every incarnation has a previous reference in the scriptures, and every incarnation has a purpose.

I really feel pity for these innocent people for their ignorance.
No doubt SSB is doing wonderful job in serving the society (through his hospitals and charity work) but why all this drama???? (lets consider him as a social worker and not an incarnation).

Hare Krishna.

Name: Ali Sina
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 24 08:42:25 2005

Thank you for exposing this charlatan. For Sri who still thinks this pedophile sexual maniac is god let me say that “his love” is your delusion and his “miracles” are sorcery. It is sad the so many otherwise intelligent people get hoodwinked by con artists like SB. Please read the story of Jim Jones and Muhammad in this article and see that the followers of SB are not the only ones who think their guru is god. These people are psychopath and narcissist. Here is the link:

Name: Daniel
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 20 14:17:36 2005

I've just read the new book written by conny larsson, who lived in Sai Babas ashram for over 20 years, and was used many times by Baba. too bad it's in swedish, because it's a good read. i feel really sorry for the tragic, brainwashed people, especially in the western world, who believe Sai Baba is a god. he is nothing more than a child molester and a fraud.....i hope he burns in hell, if there is such a thing.

Name: Sri
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 17 12:25:26 2005

Hi, i find your allegation on Sai Baba very difficult o believe. I have been a student in his college for three years. all the love that he showered us with and the miracles he performed cannot be explained. i must say that only the weak hearted and those who do not have faith in themselves will get convinced. all i can say that may you suceed in ur endeavours and the very same lord whom you r accusing blesses you. as he forgives all. good luck brother.

exbaba replies: 

Many ex-devotees were with SB for up to 30 years, but found out the truth. Former students who have left India and who we know are genuine inform the exposé of many hidden facts... FAR worse than you evidently can imagine. As to miracles... nowadays all you have to do is keep your eyes glued to his hands at all times! Those who stand up against this boasting megalomaniac are the ones who really have faith in themselves and their own perceptions and judgement! SB will never suceed in his boasts of being the world avatar God... it's absurd! If you really are a student of 3 yrs at SBs college, why are you mailing from Chile?

Name: Abdul Qaiyoom
Home Page:
Date: Sat July 16 11:26:54 2005

Great Job,

I appreciate that, but we have to stop this, as in India there millions who still beleive those bastards and earn millions $$$.

Thanks a lot to opening the eyes of 1000's at least.

Name: Jan Bularz
Home Page:
Date: Fri July 15 00:40:46 2005

There is a new Sai Baba, a man named Sugriv Singh from Canada with small group of followers is organizing satsangs in USA in Canada since 2000 and they claim that Sai Baba is borrowing his body in a fashion that could be called chaneling.

Name: Neena
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 14 23:38:31 2005

Wow a site. I have several family members who are strong devotees of Sai Baba. I personally am a Hindu and do not believe in him. I was still shocked to hear this news. From the very little research I just started doing, I noticed that most people who say Sai Baba is a fraud/molester tend to be non-Indian descent. Is this true? Can someone please direct me to more sites which have allegations on them. I feel I really need to warn family members of this. Unfortunately, I think most devotees are so caught up in Sai that no matter what you tell them will go in one ear and out the other. Please send me some sites via e-mail and evidence of this. I am starting my research now and need to warn people...



Name: Victor Perini
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 14 05:58:24 2005

As an ex Baba devotee for a period of 15 years so many incidents that were questionable in India now do make sense. In 1987 John Hislop gave a talk to foreign devotees and Said swami is the best thing that ever happened in my life and i am sure in yours why not introduce him to some friends. I then wondered does God almighty need an advertising agency. Surely Gods work is done sacredly and silently.

Name: Dr. Singh
Home Page:
Date: Thu July 14 03:36:39 2005

If he is really a fraud, then prove to me that this is not true:
"In addition, various ‘palm-leaf prophecies’ - elaborate predictions of future events written by the ancient sages - declare that Sathya Sai Baba is the second in a triple incarnation of God.  (These prophecies are found in the Book of Bhrigu, the Shuka Nadis and the Agastya Nadis, which can still be read in various places in India.)  According to those sages (and Baba Himself), in His previous incarnation He was known as Shirdi Sai Baba, the great Master who is arguably the most widely revered Saint in India today. Shirdi Sai Baba left His body eight years before the birth of Sathya Sai Baba, who tells us that eight years after He leaves His current body, He will return to the Earth in a new human form.  In that incarnation He will be known as Prema Sai Baba, and will then complete the divine work He began as Shirdi Sai.  Whereas Shirdi Sai Baba is Said to have been an incarnation of Shiva, Sathya Sai Baba is Said to embody both Shiva and Shakti, the Divine Father and Mother in one form, and to have all the sixteen qualities of a Poornavatar, a rare ‘full incarnation of God."

exbaba replies:

The proof is here on exbaba and on many other sites. You need to investigate with open eyes. It is on the clear BBC film of the 'golden lingodbhava' - a total fraud taken from a towel while he vomited only water, and afterwards he Said it weighed three tons! But his servitors could lift it easily! So Dr Singh, there you are! The Brighu palm leaves are one gigantic hoax business. Even Phyllis Krystal later denounced her reader in Bombay as a fraud! His predictions to exbaba activists 15 years ago proved totally incorrect. No one has ever proved that any palm leaf allows correct predictions, especially not about SB! You are just repeating things you have heard or SB has Said... have you no critical faculty? Where did you qualify as a 'doctor'? Why do you give no e-mail address, are you hiding away? Perhaps you are the Dr. Singh who was involved in the death of Joy Thomas? Do not the actual sixteen qualities of Sai Baba include being a homosexual abuser, paedophile, an accomplice to murder, a proven liar, a deceiver and fraud? 

Name: manaseater
Home Page:
Date: Tue July 05 03:32:56 2005

Thank you for opening my eyes to this trickery of this Baba.  I am in debt to you for doing all this research.


Name: Bangalorean
Home Page:
Date: Fri June 17 07:29:22 2005

I appreciate your work. But I would like to tell u people one thing. Even If  U go personally to PN and kill that Evil Sai BLA BLA, it wont stop. Another 100 frauds Will come up. Why?. Because the rich people from US/EU/JAPAN/KOREA have no work. They will fly continents to give oral sex to swamis like this – I don’t have a name to call this Sai bla bla.
For UR luck this evil bla bla is not interested in ladies. Otherwise ur countries could have filled with ‘balaBabas’ (little Babas).
U people don’t have a Ministry for Foreign Affairs?. Stop all the funds coming from ur countries to PN. We have swamis like bla bla on each villages in India. (this poor bla bla can only materialize ash, gold chains.. etc. small small things. We have other swamis who r able to materialize rabbits, cats. But we call them magicians and we enjoy that.)
It’s only u people make them rich what makes them gain enough power in politics.

I will tell u another trick to initiate a probe—from India---- into bla bla’s activites. IF u have enough money, give it to the politicians of delhi regardless of the party/fraction they belong to. But in millions. They will declare a probe. I think bla bla is already supplying enough money and young ladies to top officials of India and its police. IF that is the case u have to give more than what blabla can give.

And I would recommend u one more thing. In ur school curriculum add one more subject. “Dealing with gurus/swamis/blablas”.


Name: Robert Searle
Home Page:
Date: Mon June 13 14:50:35 2005

Your site is excellent. Though Sai Baba may be a fraudulent "man of miracles" he still pulls in the crowds unfortunately. Moreover, how do we explain the alleged miracles in devotees home even when Baba is not physically around. You all may have read Professor Haraldssons book on him entitled Miracles are my Calling Cards if I recall rightly. This academic was unable to expose any kind of trickery as far as I remember. Personally, Sai Baba may have originally had psychic powers but because of his unspiritual behaviour these have been withdrawn, and now resorts to trickery...

Furthermore, I believe there are financial "scandals" connected with his name which have not appeared on the website or else I may have looked at the wrong sections of it..

Name: Fred
Home Page:
Date: Fri June 10 17:23:32 2005

On german television they showed (in very clear slow-motion) how Sai Baba took a necklace from the bottom of a box and 'materialized' this necklace, to offer to a visitor. personally I received Sai Baba's ash from stephen turoff, england and always, like a friend of mine too, had the 'gut-feeling': "there is something not quite right" ... recent happenings confirm this 'gut-feeling'. however, i have learned: 'not to judge'. i have a dvd copy of this german tv program, if anybody is intersted. we are all ONE, anyway  ;-) LOVE and HUGS, Frederic (Munich, Germany)

Name: Venkata
Home Page:
Date: Wed June 08 0:5:11:46 2005

Great service for Ex and part time fearful devotees like me. Baba serves dependency needs for scores of devotees. I admire your great work.

Name: Madhava
Home Page:
Date: Wed May 11 0:24:57 2005

I feel sorry for all people who are still Devotees. In the past few months i tried to convince people of the real Sai Baba. No one believes the stories, people trie to argue about it without knowledge of (for example) the findings. They spend time on so much things, but they are afraid of reading the truth. But if you read the stories (the truth), your world collapse for a while, and afterwards you sparkle like you never did before and the truth about false gurus is yours. So my dear Brothers and Sisters who are still Devotees please read carefuly all there is and than you will find out what is going on. Thanks You, Jai Ma, Madhava (The Netherlands)

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Tue May 10 9:36:28 2005

Yet another entry from an anonymous 'devotee' guiltily fearing to state even a name (but the IP is You are another sorry case without any guts! exbaba's work is not part of Sai Baba's plan, he has denounced his critics heftily as demons (Christmas Discourse 2000) and later also as being without even a divine spark! What brain-washed drivel some devotees believe. You think Sai Baba sees all as good, just read his discourses and see how he condemns almost everyone! He certainly doesn't criticise sexual abuse (which he dares not even mention though he stands most convincingly accused of it openly by persons on world TV and elsewhere) and he doubtless does see the cover-up of vile executions in his own bedroom as good, as he is part of it!

Name: One of His many names
Home Page: Love all
Date: Tue May 10 4:35:40 2005

Hold in mind the true mystery of His ways and wonder if your work,too,is not indeed a part of His great plan! In His eyes all is good!

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Sun May 08 2:45:07 2005

Two anonymous postings lower down from the same IP ( contain a threat and incitement to kill SB by knife! This is a police matter. The rock bottom level of intelligence and moral value shown by this hiding piece of nastiness is lower than average, but not entirely untypical of the postings made here by 'Sai followers', of which 95% are deleted by us. Unlike this anon. lying scoundrel, exbaba posts the names and addresses of its webmaster and other backers, also of many contributors. Obviously, though, the threat made is empty, as it it made by some low person full of bitterness and wind.

Name: from california
Home Page:
Date: Fri May 06 20:24:49 2005

Baba, i never believed in him, nor I believed in any of those so called Babas'/Swamis'/Holy Fathers/Holy Mothers etc., These guys prey on our weakness and make us depend on them and eventually destroying us. If we have money, we better give them to poor like U.N organizations or similar ones.

Name: anonymous
Home Page:
Date: Fri May 06 14:49:14 2005

ok...even if people had that faith in him why did they let "it" happen to them????(i'm referrin to those ex-devotees)dont u realize that it is your body not can u just give ur body to someone like that wen he is not "god" (though he is considered to be godly)just a human being like us....what does this mean???where was ur conscience all the time he was molesting u???ddnt it irk u then?you shud have told all these things to him then n there only atleast slapped him on his face...n stopped him...intsead of creating a website like this n then badmouthing him shud have done that then n there ....u ppl r not brave one will listen to ppl who r not brave enuf...watever you do or write u give only ur email address n name(donno whether it is real or not)...OK TRY POSTING UR MESSAGE OR ARTICLE NEXT TIME WID UR ADDRESS ...MIND U FULL ADDRESS n then see.... of course i ddnt even give my email id bcoz i'm no where related to or concrened wid all these stuff...never d

Name: anonymous
Home Page:
Date: Fri May 06 14:20:23 2005

instead of all these sites n badmouthing etc etc ...why doesnt someone go n kill him directly???better go like a devotee n stab him with a knife or so...plzzzzzzzzz

Name: Ayappan Srinivas
Home Page:
Date: Fri May 06 11:54:10 2005

Narayana Rao dont know the "Ex-Babas", the're many hundred people. Most are telling belief in God, not faith in Sai Baba homo abuser and liar, saving his killers from jail and now a big cripple of simple hip injury. Faith in this con is deluding. exbabas serve you to help and save you. ANyhow who is inviting to visit exbaba? So chala jao! exbaba don't want 'CRUCITY' for anyone. Rao says we are like blind people, believe we know everything, but only speaks for himself. This wallah has both eyes closed and sees nothing. Says he (God or Svami?) will take care of people... but he knows he is blind... telling of stars and speed of light... a silly pandit hey! Just shut up shop and your mouth.

Name: narayana rao
Home Page:
Date: Fri May 06 7:50:50 2005

EX-Babas are non-believers of GOD. They do not have faith in Jesus or any other form of GOD. Had they had Faith in GOD, they would not have wasted their time in spoiling the Faith of others. Each onr has his own way. If he believes in God, he will show the way to reach HIM. Ex-Jesus followers crucified HIM. Ex-Baba devotees want to crucity Him. Ultimately Truth wins. After all when compared to the universe, we are insignificant. Light has left from many of the stars millions of years back. Light travels at the rate of 1,86,000 miles per second. Even though light has left millions of years from many of the stars, it has not reached the earth. Universe is vast. We cannot understand the creator (GOD). We are like blind people. We behave as if that we know everything. Time will tell the Truth. Have patience. You will come to know whether Sai Baba is God or just a human being. Pray God. He will take care of people. You ex-Babas believe that you are doing great service. But you are not doin

Name: Robert Priddy
Home Page: click on the red icon in the heading!
Date: Mon May 02 3:30:56 2005

R.S. Raman writes: 'You ask Swami that prove you that he is God' Many of us did this originally and had many experiences. These turned out not to be of a divine nature but delusions, arising partly through one's own mind and strong desires (including the unconscious), partly through an etheric medium. SB has shown himself to be an outright liar, self-contradictor, boaster, gigantic self-promoter, and he is a crippled 'healer' who says he was cured faster than any other human being! What deceit! All kinds of people have all kinds of "inner talk experience" even with aliens and angels, madmen and famous writers etc. Raman thinks he got answers about the reason for the allegations, which he says he can't explain. NO WONDER HE CAN'T! That the allegations are VERY soundly based can be investigated by anyone (see BBC film showcase). We don't accept mad theories of sex abuse in past lives... all disgusting primitive-minded hoo-ha.

Name: R. S. Raman
Home Page:
Date: Mon May 02 3:17:57 2005

Comments: My friend I was Sai believer and disbeliever because of I had more experience of Swami when I was disbeliever; from that experience I have confirmed that he is omniscient and god. Now I have faith in Swami fully. I have inner talk experience with Swami from which he explained about his alligation but I can’t explain to you. What you do, You ask Swami that prove you that he is God. If you ask him with pure heart, you will get answer from him. I did like that. I got the answer but I can’t explain because I don’t know about your situation, I mean your spiritual situation that you can understand but Suwami knows. You know about Karma laws, that is what you give what you get exactly. If you have done child abuse in your previous birth, you will get exactly same in your present life. In real world you see lots of good people suffer lot because they’re past karma. Karma rules do not affect Swami because he is god whether you accept or not. I am fully confirmed

Name: Krishnan
Home Page:
Date: Sun May 01 12:09:13 2005

I know what u mean. Sathya is Ravana (can't stop sex lust) and he tells now he is Rama!

Name: R.S.Raman
Home Page:
Date: Sat Apr 30 21:41:09 2005

We all know about Rama because Ravana. Do you know whit I mean?

Name: David Lee
Home Page:
Date: Sat Apr 30 17:45:03 2005

I'm interested in what you have to say. I have believed in Sai Baba for the most part for 20 years and visited Puttapati once. This has been a revelation to me and has shown me who indiscriminate I was, how gullible I was, and how yearning and willing to believe something based on a need to believe in something.

Name: Robert Priddy
Home Page:
Date: Thu Apr 28 13:04:50 2005

To 'Son of God'. You tell us "do some good work" My wife and I did thousands of hours of seva. So did many others who left - a dozen founder members of Centers etc. I was the active worker/leader in Norway for 18 years.Gave very large (for me) sums of money. I found out the truth, so I am not wasting my time. I am not deluded at all by the Sai phenomena, hype or lies any more. You want us to suffer because we have learned the truth of the sex abuses and murders... that says much more about you and your false beliefs and dirty values than us! You are an anonymous 'son of God', so what do you think we are? Don't bother to answer!

Name: bunkum
Home Page:
Date: Thu Apr 28 9:56:47 2005

R.S.Raman supplied URL to some lady's bunkum experiences. Ask any leading psychiatrist and they will tell you about people who conjure up and believe it as truth. Some Christians see Virgin Mary on Walls. I know people who attributed many things to Baba, but retracted the experiences as "imagination" later, especially after having sex with Babass. A cousin and uncle of mine routinely "SEE" and "TALK" with Shirdi Sai Baba, but never followed SSB. India has too many of such people. Atleast I never publicly claimed (except now) that I met and spoke to Lord Krishna when I was four years old!

Name: R.S.Raman
Home Page:
Date: Thu Apr 28 4:26:49 2005

Go to the following site and talk about Swami Sai Baba.

Name: veera raghavan
Home Page:
Date: Thu Apr 21 8:59:15 2005

Whatever is there in this website is horrifying. Why do so many escapist europeans throng to these places run by humans claiming to be godmen. In their own countries churches rarely get attendance & yet come here for nirvana & then get disillusioned. It started long ago with beatles & goes on even now. hinduism is based on the living gurus that is "mata,pita,guru & only last deivam" translated, mom,dad,guru &then god, gets the leading respect. Hence you will find 1 guru for every street in india, translating to thousands of gurus who are all filthy rich & bleed the public dry. In fact this generates billions of monnies of which about 10% trickles into schools,colleges,hospitals & social work. Rest gets into trusts, mostly managed by th esuper rich & crooked politicians. Sai trust also pretends to do a lot of social sevices like above but is actually sitting on a bounty of over Rs.1000 crore,which is managed by a politician & liquor baron from bangal

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Thu Apr 21 1:20:17 2005

Two abusive postings just before this show the mentality and language of a Sai ex-student devotee - or, in fact, one person masquerading as two different anonymous persons - both have the same IP Interesting that a devotee asserts students have to pay ANYTHING at all in what Sai boasts is an "entirely free educational institution"!

Name: peter jackson
Home Page:
Date: Wed Apr 20 4:19:56 2005

Hi There, Mr david. i just have one request kindly stop talking rubbish.I have read your article accidently and want to tell you that i have friends who have connection with Babas students and they themselves have told about the fees they pay.For your kind information the fees still remains 5000 per year per student. You have no better job.Whom are you trying to deceive you stupid loafer?I need to warn you that you shall have a tough time in the years to come.i even know of the boys whom you trained for the band group.They have told me of what a good person you were and then all of a sudden you lost faith in god. and get no other option but criticize god,thats all you know.. you are a betrayer.Stop all you nonsense...dirt. All that your head is filled with garbage and nonsense..You will regret for what you have done all your life..

Name: Joseph Goodwin
Home Page:
Date: Wed Apr 20 3:50:23 2005

You guys are such bastards i should say.You bloody guys do what rubbish you want..I have seen all you guys come over to parthi. I very well know how much advantage you took of Baba and today you fuckers are behaving like JUDAS i am for sure that last birth all you bastards were judas.The guy David Bailey i very well know how he was and today he has proved to the world what a fool he has made of himself..You shall wait and watch the axe shall fall upon detractors like you bastards.You are blood suckers.HAVE SOME SHAME YOU FOOLS.NOT WORTH DYING IN THE GUTTERS OF ENGLAND.CHEAPSTERS.FOOLS

Name: Bishnu Pokharel
Home Page:
Date: Sun Apr 17 5:20:51 2005

Its nice to know, you people are working out there to find out the truth behind such Babas here in south Asia. Sai Baba, being the biggest one, other Babas are also emerging there to fool the billion.

Name: Madhava
Home Page:
Date: Wed Apr 13 3:39:23 2005

Hello, I'm an 39 years old Ex-Baba Devotee, and i like to tell you that Harmen Reerink the Dutch chairman of the sb org. told everyone about the website so they deny no longer but they agree ?????

Name: Suresh
Home Page:
Date: Wed Apr 13 1:03:39 2005

It is a good thing you let the world know what is happening ....and who is Baba after all ? Keep up the good work and May God Bless you all !

Name: p charles
Home Page:
Date: Sun Mar 27 16:06:08 2005

How saddened and thankful I am to learn of allegations (which are numberous enough to cause legitimate concern)regarding Sai Babba's life and conduct. Light is in us all. Blessings, namaste, peace,
p charles

Name: ramana
Home Page:
Date: Fri Mar 25 6:33:18 2005

In 25 October 2004 Sai molester Said that he never ever came to our dreams, he Said that he never appear in dreams in his devotees! But as we know he Said many times that when we dream about him is only his will! But now he Said that he never ever came to dreams his devotees!! So he again gives proof that he doesn't know what he Said long time ago!

Name: ramana
Home Page:
Date: Fri Mar 25 6:31:23 2005
Is Sai heaven will be veranda?

To Sai crazy devotees.. What for Sai Baba has his veranda? Why he needs his bodyguards? Why he needs this super car's like BMV, Mercedes, Jaguar etc? Why whole ashram has security cameras? Why before enter to darshan hall we need be check like in airport? If he is "god" Why he needs all these things?And Why people claims that he is GOD? Because he can "create" rings vibutii and etc? He never ever created anything!Because he see future?He doesn't see future if he does why he needs his bodyguards during darshans?Why he need his veranda? If you believes that he is god for you that when you will die and in Sai HEAVEN ALSO WILL BE VERANDA? He Said many times that he treat people this same, if you are poor or rich for him is doesn't different? But when you go to his ashram you see this veranda where are sitting all very rich people! Tell me why? In 25 October 2004 Sai molester Said that he never ever came to our dreams, he Said that he never appear in dreams in his devotees! But as we know h

Name: Helpful guy
Home Page:
Date: Sun Mar 20 17:19:38 2005

Hi Ramana, Reckon Baily took some long while to figure it.. that he was being coned. They say Bhatia still believes svami is God, but also says he had sex for years with him, and with many students boys - be he's still Avatar. He must be in a bad way, wow! People write books, find out more, begin to change view, learn more and so it goes... they see they were wrong. Most people can't manage it, too stuck.

Name: ramana
Home Page:
Date: Sun Mar 20 12:01:06 2005

And if is cleary looks that swami fake during materializations and everyone knows about it, why they was very long time his devotees? Is David and Conny done this for money and fame? Because they visited many countrys and they had very good lectures about Sai? They did it for fame?or just for..?tell me please. I was presens when David spoke about Sai , when he showed all things who Sai gave him, David looked very proud.I think that David knew earlier that Sai is fake but he did only for fame i mean his traveled around the world and giving lectures about Sai.but he knows better..

Name: ramana
Home Page:
Date: Sun Mar 20 11:51:23 2005

hello, I had read books written by David Bayley, Conny Larsson,DR Bathia and others who left Sai long time ago. But I just wondering why they written that very good books about Baba first and then left Baba? Could you answer me? I really dont know how Dr.Bathia can wrote :Sai Baba IS GOD FOR ME: and then left him, this same David and Conny?Well books who they are wrote are also fake? Please write to me and tell me how was it with them.Love Ramana

Name: Sathya
Home Page:
Date: Wed Mar 09 8:31:39 2005

Nivedhitha,  I too would like to caution your belief. Please understand that your faith in SaiBaba as "embodiment of truth" is baseless. For I am afraid that the entire discussion that you had presented is a blind accusation of the website as "run by satans" bcos there is proved data against SaiBaba.
Please note that these satans, are responding to your "chat" in an unambigious way. In due course I think you would see that who u r calling as SATAN are none other than true seekers of spirituality.

Name: exbaba
Home Page: 'The Secret Swami' showcased
Date: Tue Mar 01 8:58:22 2005

So you, niveditha, believe in Satan, even Satans...what a primitive deluded mind you have. You certainly know zero about us or our lifestyles, and evidently zero about Sai Baba's crimes, sexual abuses, lies, fraudluent 'materialisations', support and cover-up of cold-blooded executions... but we do. Watch the BBC documentary "The Secret Swami" or see the showcase of it on this website... there is solid, visible evidence! A faked 'lingodbhava', where he spews plain water puts a towel to his mouth with a lingam in it, then collapses, later telling the gaping crowd it was due to a lingam inside him weighting THREE TONS. Only fools and horses can swallow such a big absurd lie as THAT! Study this website and learn about your own fathomless ignorance. Beware instead the EMBODIMENT OF ASATHYA, and what he can do to you if you are trapped by his form.

Name: niveditha
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Date: Tue Mar 01 4:33:48 2005

I shud say u've tried u'r best to condemn SaiBaba - in doing so, creators of this web-site have become Satans !!! - Don't publish u'r life-styles and habits as that of Sai Baba's - Maybe u won't post this msg - but I tell u - Beware - Truth will always win and Sai Baba IS AN EMBODIMENT OF TRUTH.

Name: Robert Priddy
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Date: Sun Feb 20 7:04:29 2005

All experience points to the belief that Baba himself was involved as mere wish fulfillment. The mind can become very unstable in such a perceived crisis - big changes in blood pressure often caused by anxiety or faith. Besides, no one knows that they were actually 'dying', the proof is only when they are dead! That "Sai looks after his own" is self-aggrandising delusion! Close devotees of many years of devoted service died with dreadful sufferings. Ashram head Kutumb Rao (massive incurable cancer), N. Kasturi (6 weeks intense lung pain), V.K. Narasimhan (water on lungs & long choking death), young American crushed by falling dome in Eternal Heritage Museum in 1992, 11 hours hell in taxi to Bangalore with 9 fractures and broken cranium), King and Queen of Nepal - close devotees who visited SB - shot down by their son, John Hislop incurable cancer & dozens more awful deaths among devotees... Well, you can keep Sai’s “compassion”.

Name: jason middleton
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Date: Sat Feb 19 15:03:07 2005

i was dying in hospital recently . my blood presure was falling almost to zero . i had had extensive heart surgery. the family had been called in to say goodbye. SaiBaba instantly stopped the blood presure fall. i got better and was discharched 3 weeks later . i have been a devotee for some years .he looks after his own .thanks Sai.

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Fri Feb 18 16:49:10 2005

Swetha must know that he/she is lying about Christian Missionaries, because none are behind this site, nor are any connected to exbaba in any way, not as hosts or contributors! Further this person gives a completely bogus e-mail address Swetha ( but could not conceal that he/she has the IP Address: A person who has not the courage of his/her 'belief'. The same is done by about 95% of all Sai devotees who post in this Guestbook... (while it is of course easily discovered who stands for by looking on the home page). Sai Baba has been exposed for all time for all the world and will NEVER be able to fulfil his boast, that he says he is loved by everyone.

Name: Swetha (
Home Page: Binu
Date: Fri Feb 18 16:48:12 2005

Its a shame that some Christain Missionaries hosting a nonsense site abt Sai Baba. The fact is Sai attracks people frm all faiths & Christain missionaries not able to force many conversions among Sai devotees. Thats reasons some Christain Missionaries started this nonsense site. They are paying millions of Rs. to poor people in india to Covert to Christanity. At any case Sai is much better that Ivangalist Wonder man & Nonsense pope who does do any thing get people converted to chraistanity..Shame ful site

Name: Jeya
Home Page:
Date: Sun Feb 13 15:43:58 2005

this is all really confusing :S. he claims he is God, nd many ppl do, nd bout his power, nd wha not, yet u gotta have mooney to live in his ashram, well if im not right here folks shouldnt God, be the one who is always there for everyone, this is confusing, so many ppl claiming bout his power, so many relatives, friends, yet, i juz cant see it in him.

Name: Kanna
Home Page:
Date: Mon Feb 07 9:12:23 2005

Hi Priddy, would like to continue on the same lines... If there were a God whom we trust, that God could directly tell us about the merit of SaiBaba. Avataarhood an aspect of hinduism, the formless Allah - muslim, the Holy Spirit- christanity... all of them are at this point in time "silent". It is purely a matter of individual choice to connote this silence as favorable to accepting SaiBaba as God, or otherwise.

Name: R. Priddy
Home Page:
Date: Sun Feb 06 11:42:16 2005

To Sathya and Prad. Thanks for your input. The avatar idea is specific to Hinduism, even Christians do NOT accept avatarhood, for they regard Jesus as the One and Only Son of God. One grows up with a cultural framework of ideas without questioning much until wider frames of reference becomes known. Remember, it is still purely a matter of belief, not scientific or other controllable evidence, that avatars can occur. World scriptures differ. often totally, on whether God can take on human form (Islam rejects it totally). Most natural scientists still tend mostly to reject even the existence of God. However, I hold the agnostic or philosophical standpoint which reserves judgement on this issue due to lack of decisive evidence for either kind of contention. Yet the evidence that Sai Baba is no such divinity is very weighty indeed (despite apparent evidence and hearsay for it). This view does not exclude people having extrasensory abilities or powers of various (limited) kinds.

Name: Prad Victor
Home Page:
Date: Sat Feb 05 12:02:02 2005

Dear exbaba,
This chap Sathya (or whatever) is making a point that makes sense. I am not able to give a fitting reply for this. Quite intresting for those of us who have stopped looking at outer source of avatarhood.
Love Prad

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Thu Feb 03 8:58:07 2005

Now the bogus 'John Smith' posts again, giving as his Name "hate is a strange kind of love (india)" A confused simpleton! He thinks we are stuck in 'filth and bile'. Not us, but Sai Baba! Expose activists follow the truth and justice and are determined to see this done. He thinks we have 'bruised egos and narrow minds' but he does not know any of us, evidently. However, his ego was evidently bruised by being shown up for hiding and sending his bile at us. What an advert for the Sai teaching he is! We know both sides of the whole issue, and do not "feel" at all that we are wrong, because we have investigated directly. He is obsessed with Sai Baba, but we are not so, being concerned about massive injustice, fraud, lies, murders, misuse of funds and disinformation by Sai Baba and many around him. He falsely thinks he knows what we do with our lives and wishes we would 'all let go', but no such luck! We will persist and more and more facts will be known yet more widely.

Name: Sathya
Home Page:
Date: Thu Feb 03 1:21:28 2005

ExSairam (as in Sairam used by devotees) What intrigues me is that while this planet claims to have had avataars walking in human form such as Christ, Mahavir, Buddha, Rama, Krishna...Shirdi Sai Baba...While we are sincerely trying to clear our doubts on sathya Sai Baba, why isnt none of these earlier avataars communicating to us Directly? Are we to doubt their Avataarhood too?

Name: R Priddy
Home Page:
Date: Wed Feb 02 6:07:01 2005

I fully agree with the exbaba comment, for the truth is not just whatever one may choose to think - it must be discovered. Only a deranged person believes that what truly happens (or does not happen) depends on what one thinks! This is a recipe for mental and spiritual disaster, as seen in the inmates of mental hospitals the world over. In searching for the truth, both what is outer and inner have to be deeply investigated and reconciled to one another. Those who are dependent on God as and "external form" (i.e. as Sai Baba) have CERTAINLY not got far in understanding of themselves, their minds or the truth. Sai Baba has told his devotees that they must free themselves from his form, but they can't do it and he still does all he can to ensure they don't! If this were not all so wrong, one could laugh at their simple-mindedness. They are only to be pitied live in that mirror hall, confused, dependent and withdrawn into a protective cocoon of self-suggestions.

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Wed Feb 02 5:04:29 2005

A Sai devotee hiding behind the name 'John Smith' using the false e-mail address ( - not sendable by Mail Administrator but with IP wrote here in his posting (removed): "You have all failed the test! Now your sick minds are seeing exactly the reflection of what is inside of you."
We are reflecting what is out there in reality, while he suffers 'true believer syndrome', commonly called 'brain-washing' - most of which is done by the victim once hooked by siddhi power or fraudulence etc. This spiteful Sai sneak is suffering from a false feeling of spiritual superiority, based on the utterly mistaken belief that Sai Baba is pure, as disproven by his own actions (and illness) and reflected thoroughly and indisputably on this website. If the wide world ever learns of Sai Baba, it will most certainly not swallow all the lies and fraud from a man whose homosexual abuses, self-praise and lies have become his main 'life message'.

Name: R.Priddy
Home Page:
Date: Wed Feb 02 4:09:24 2005

You are of the belief that you see what you want to see. That is your big problem. You gave up drinking, so you want to believe that it was the oil that did it? You were luck you didn't get the 'follow-up- treatment which hundreds have had... oral sex. Sai Baba knew his homosexuality would eventually be uncovered, so it was easy to predict a fall off of followers. Those who choose blind faith lack the honesty to investigate the evidence properly have sick minds - a cognitive disorder. The God-suffused world also contains unimaginable horrors, and your beliefs do not remove them except from your attention. Conscience and truth-seeking requires more than naval-gazing self-satisfaction.

Name: Robin Christie
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Date: Wed Feb 02 1:27:03 2005

Hi all, at the age of 18 I visited Sathya Sai's ashram, I was given an interview....a private interview in which Sai told me to be respectful to my parents(i was an asshole), to love God and to lead a truthful life.He then apllied OIL which I saw manifesting in his palm, to my testicles, he Said that i was wasting energy(masterbating, i assume). He applied the oil as a doctor treats a patient. I had a bad drinking problem, that too has vanished. I am of the belief that we see what we want to see...Don;t forget that Sai Baba told John Hislop that many devotees will LEAVE him, and only those strong enough will remain(Conversations wth SSB)According to ancient Scriptures the Universe is permeated by "GOD", all creatures are divine entities so whichever way you look at it Sathya Sai is God and so are YOU...May you all find peace and love WITHIN. A Devotee of God

Name: R. Priddy
Home Page:
Date: Mon Jan 31 15:08:31 2005

A Sai devotee made a private entry here, anonymously and giving a false e-mail address ( Therefore a reply has to be posted here. The IP was and this person wrote "I have known some of you who are slanging him now". I reply, why so scared to give your name even, your e-mail address or location etc.? exbaba's main contributors all give their names and details on the website or through links. You obviously live in a limited cocoon where you say you have "gained a meaningful life" from Sai Baba when you write "I did not see him harm you in the way you talk. In years past you didn't say these things either." Who exactly are you addressing? For my part, I have moved on from the past and its many Sai delusions (though only a fool says 'forget the past'). But if you dared to investigate you would know full well why everything has changed as the facts and truth about Sai Baba has come forth, try it, if you do not fear openness, truth and dharma.

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Sun Jan 30 11:37:36 2005

Sai Baba a future God? What, a serial paedophile God, accomplice to murder and cover-up, breaks his word and tells lies about his physical condition? What kind of fundamentally distorted idea of God is this? Better values are upheld by atheists! Practising Christians would scorn utterly such a person by comparison with the way they believe Jesus behaved. From the Jewish faith he appears more as a kind of Mammon. Muslims deny that Allah can take human form in any case, and Buddhists in most traditions do not accept the idea of God. Sai Baba will surely be regarded as another failed swami, broken yogi or whatever, and one with a simplistic and often very erroneous teaching. The world is evolving and will probably eventually shed all such personality myths. Only those who have been inducted into the Sai cult may continue to believe Sai Baba is a deity.

Name: Kanna
Home Page:
Date: Sun Jan 30 10:52:41 2005

I agree with Sathya to the extent that there are too many things that Sai Baba does that fails human explanations. There is this tendency in us to be the better judge than nature...god.. etc... Divinity may not be the popular image of gentleness,kindness,karmic... But could cover the entire spectrum of tendencies by being hostile and indifferent too. It takes one to become GOD to assess another as GOD. Probably Sai Baba is of the belief that he is GOD and the rest this beleif is yet to be instilled. The day when another instills this belief that HE is GOD such as in the past Christ , Buddha, Krishna...there would still be controversies on several of their acts in their respective eras, only to be accepted with holiness later in the future. Is Sai Baba a future god???

Name: exbaba
Home Page:
Date: Sun Jan 30 6:10:47 2005

Thanks for your posting. Many exposé activists feel convinced that Sai Baba has paranormal powers, probably tantrik or siddhi powers. (They seem to be failing him mostly nowadays). Despite this, no one can know that he or anyone else is 'omnipresent', because one must be omnipresent oneself to be able to check it! Neither is he omniscient nor omnipotent... which it should hardly be necessary even to say, except that so many people accept so much on trust and without any proper investigation. All evidence shows that he cannot possibly be pure and he is certainly not truthful!

Name: Sathya
Home Page:
Date: Sun Jan 30 2:23:56 2005

All Said and done, there are a lot more that SaiBaba does that does not fit into the frame work of tricks, sexual exploits... I have been a former student of Sai Baba and i agree on the accounts of tricks as miracles as well as the sexual acts. BUT, there have been instances in my life where in he has proved to be omnipresent... i think, only time shall give me a better clarity and probably then i shall tell you on the limitation of our present belief system, that fails to accept such behavior from an avataar. It was nice to go through ur website though, because it poses various aspects of SB in the unpopular front in a manner that is captivating.
Regards Sathya

Name: Journalist
Home Page:
Date: Wed Jan 26 13:36:12 2005

Hundreds of those who have signed the Sai petition have learned, after long experience of Sai Baba and service to him, that he is a serial homsexual abuser of his students and foreign boys who visit him, that his 'diamonds' are all cheap fakes, that he uses sleight of hand and that he does no real work but strut around, but all those who believe his lies about himself do it instead. All this and more is clearly described on this website. Those who dare not investigate fully are the cowards without conscience!

Name: Anitha
Home Page:
Date: Wed Jan 26 12:19:00 2005

It is sad that people who are really cowards start writing against somebody who dedicated His life for the people without actually finding out what the reality is. I pity those..

Home Page:
Date: Tue Jan 25 1:48:50 2005

i am relieved after going through the pages in this site.i am also an ex marriage was spoilt by ssb.

Name: Jeya
Home Page:
Date: Mon Jan 17 22:06:52 2005

hey, let me say something, i know that it is hard, to just abandon something your family, or you have really believed, however, the truth, is something that is not going to come to you by other people, you gotta find the truth, yourselves, look at things from different point of view, do research, do what you gotta do, honestly you should not believe and settle on something with gullibility, no matter what you hear or see, dont count on it, remember, the truth is something you have to find for yourself, you have your free will in you, so it is something u gotta find for yourself

Name: Jeya
Home Page:
Date: Mon Jan 17 21:56:12 2005

hey I just wanted to tell everyone regardless, of whom, do not believe everything you see or hear, use that doubt God, put in us, it is for survival, of knowing the truth, i know how hard it is to be a part of something, or believe something all your life, especially if your parents or family believe it, honestly you have to listen to your doubts, and that feeling you get, because we have it for a reason, just trust me, i know how hard it is, but u have to broaden your mind, to every side, dont jump to a final conclusion, i know it is easy if U jump to a final conclusion, and you feel your life is set, however it will harm you later on in life, take care

Name: Jeya
Home Page:
Date: Mon Jan 17 21:47:08 2005

hey, im just dropping by and I want to thank you guys for this site, i just found on this one, it is quite interesting, and is stating some "hidden" facts which i had no clue about, I must say the situation which the seiko watch company was quite interesting it is quite interesting and I think everyone regardless, of whom should do their research because you can never jump to a conclusion unless you have done your research, for example, if you also think about, it, if I go to a poor undeveloped country like South Asia, and preach, yet, at the same time, make schools, hospitals, charities, i assure you that alot of people are going to start jumping to conclusions, about me being of divine origin, honestly, we are all humans together, and there is one God, we dont need a person with alot of money, and power, and government officials to remind, us about this stuff, we gotta take care of our families, nd do our shit, nd do wha U gotta d

Name: Tony Andurian
Home Page:
Date: Sun Jan 09 16:50:34 2005

This guestbook cobviouslt does not accept Sai rubbish, sick fancies or propaganda. There is so much of it already. Good on ya!

Name: Marja Peura
Home Page:
Date: Thu Jan 06 6:33:32 2005

I want to thank you and give you my trust in the important work you people do to expose sick persons like Sai Baba. He is unfortenately not the only one in this world who takes advantage of peoples insecurance and seeking for love and trust outside them selves. Keep going in this very important (and sometimes dangerous) matter. With love, Marja