V.P.B. Nair. B.Premanand. R.Priddy: Sai Baba Bedroom Killings


Date: 04-09-08

By: Ex Baba admin

Posted by Barry Pittard on April 7, 2008 at http://barrypittard.wordpress.com

V.P.B. Nair. B.Premanand. R.Priddy: Sai Baba Bedroom Killings


Note:  Instead of accountability before the law - much less spirituality from the Sathya Sai Organization which calls itself THE Divine organization on earth - there is profound cover up (on a scale that thrives most effectively in that aspect of India that is known for extreme corruption) the most terrible slander and libel of many whom Sai Baba and his organization honored and respected down many decades.


"Researchers will see that what has regrettably too often fallen to the lot of former devotees, and also other critics of Sai Baba (most notably B.Premanand), should have been investigated according to well-laid canons of independent, fully accountable probes by government, parliament, police, judiciary, media and so on"

"Those who have been so profoundly and viciously slandered and libeled gave decades of deep devotion and service, only to be, virtually from the moment they began to raise questions demonized"

Details for the following document are contained in the article. On behalf of many former devotees in many countries, the letter's signatories are prepared to go into any properly constituted court of law and state the truth which is being concealed from the rank-and-file members of the Sathya Sai Organization by Sathya Sai Baba and his top leaders.

This action on behalf of globally networked former Sai Baba devotees involves being extraordinarily attacked by Sai Baba's proxy defenders on the Internet and elsewhere, and the evidence (which we are happy to provide for any bona fide investigators from Media, academia, institutions, courts, police, etc) is that leading and other members of the Sathya Sai Organization have in various ways assisted with the setting up of the distortions, slanders and libels.

"The International Sathya Sai Organization - an accessory to a massive libel and disinformation campaign. Open letter to the Prasanthi Council - c/o Dr. M. Goldstein, Dr. G. Venkataraman and its other members. This is a quote from that document:

Two semi-official pro-Sai web sites - saibabaofindia.com/ and saibabalinks.org/ - which could not operate without the help of central officials of the Sathya Sai Organization, Radio Sai Global Harmony and Sai ashrams, have links to websites which libel all former members who have spoken out. Such links reveal the obvious inability of Sai representatives in these groups to reply honestly and cogently to any of the many published allegations about Sai Baba made by those who were long respected members, in some cases prominent leaders, of his international organization. Furthermore, some members link to extremist web sites which have as their primary agenda contrived attempts at character assassination of ex-followers who present critical views.