Letter from Ella Evers to the Daily



By: Ella Evers

Date: 09-11-01


Dear All,

The Daily Courier published only one part of my e-mail to Letters to the Editor.

Letters to the Editor are subject to editorial changes and again it is not what I had in mind to have appear in the newspaper. I had mentioned the http://www.sathyasaivictims.com site as a reference. The Letters to the Editor representative told me they could not find the site (this after they published my remarks). A Dutch lady, Hortense Quijs also had her expose letter published. I will copy it as soon as I get it.

I am happy that at least something was published, but when will America give it more the real attention it deserves?



Here it is:

'Holy man' is horrific

This regards your article titled "Controversial holy man's followers gather in Grants Pass."

I would like to thank the Daily Courier for being the first in the United States to attempt to publish a balanced article regarding Sathya Sai Baba of India.

It saddened me greatly that no attention was paid to the severity of the crime of pedophilia by this alleged guru.

These horrific crimes have been kept secret for many years. The secrets are out, and sworn statements by many victims are in the courts, and worldwide investigations are in progress.

