NEXUS Publishes Barry Pittard’s Letter




Issue: NEXUS, June-July 2003.

Posted:, Thursday 12 June, 2003.

Author: Barry Pittard, Australia


Note from author to readers of News,

NEXUS magazine, September-October 1999, contained articles with first hand allegations of sexual molestation by Sathya Sai Baba. The Editorial describes how the Editor, who had for a number of years esteemed Sathya Sai Baba, made a number of investigations independently of submissions being made, and found repeated evidence supporting the truth of the allegations.

Until utterly alienated by what they saw as betrayal of their absolute trust in their spiritual teacher, the authors had been fervent devotees of Sathya Sai Baba - Hans de Kraker (Australia) and Jens Sethi (Germany). A third article was by the former Spiritual Convener of the Sathya Sai Organisation of Australia and Papua New Guinea, Dr Terry Gallagher, who had made his own direct investigations of a number of allegations, including the accounts of a number of Sathya Sai Baba’s college boys. On moral and ethical principle, as many others around the world have done, Dr Gallagher resigned from the Sathya Sai Organisation. It is this sort of humane and honourable investigation that leaders of this organisation refuse to undertake, further evidence of its cultic status. For two resignation accounts of fearlessly outspoken and much-loved prominent (then) leaders from the Sathya Sai Organisation, see account of Serguei Badaev, Moscow, Russia,


and of Stephen Carthew, Australia,

NEXUS magazine aims to run  serious articles by writers who tend to research and think ‘out of the box’on issues often suppressed or doctored by the mainstream media. Headquartered in Australia, it is the brainchild of a courageous Editor, Duncan Roads. With offices in a number of countries internationally, it is distributed in the US and Canada, UK, Latin America, South Africa, and many countries in Europe and Latin America, and is soon to be published in Russia, the former states of Yugoslavia, and in the Arab world. Website:

I am working on an Exposé Update, soon to appear, which will considerably expand on the material contained in the NEXUS article.

Barry Pittard, Australia



NEXUS, Vol 10, N­o. 4. June-July 2003

Sai Baba Allegations Grow


In exposing sexual abuse of male youths by Sathya Sai Baba, India’s most famous guru, the NEXUS articles in September-October 1999 on the accusations were tremendously seminal. The three testimonies presented alleged serial sexual molestations of young males from different countries, as well as other crimes.

NEXUS tested many Sai Baba-related sources independent of our own. Your confirmation of the integrity of the evidence, and publishing of the article, certainly assisted our extensive and worldwide investigations and campaign.

Devoted to Sai Baba for 25 years, I spent a few years around him and taught English literature (1978-79) at his college in Whitefield, via Bangalore - the first of several large boys’ colleges Sathya Sai Baba has founded. I now assist with exposure activities.

In all the top Indian power structures, Sathya Sai Baba’s devotees are legion. Witlessly, they and millions of Indians sink at his feet, declaring him a national treasure - the greatest divine incarnation ever - and believe him when he says that he will save the entire world, with India leading the rest of us. His ostensible miracles are a powerful incentive to belief.

We continue to expose fraudulence, but not all the phenomena - whether related to him personally or to worldwide manifestations in countless homes of devotees, etc. - submit to rational explanation.

A common response to the three NEXUS article testimonies was that they had the “ring of truth.” One of the authors was Dr Terry Gallagher, a scientist and formerly a highly respected leader of the Australian Sathya Sai Organisation. Long before the NEXUS article came out, his efforts to investigate properly the allegations of sexual molestation had been heavily suppressed by T. Ramanathan, the head of the Sathya Sai Organisation of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Dr Gallagher resigned on high principle - as have many others since, the world over.

Another highly respected Australian leader, Stephen Carthew, a documentary filmmaker, submitted shortly after the NEXUS was published that the allegations be discussed by the rank and file. Summarily, Ramanathan, a retired lawyer and (I hear) former President of the Sri Lanka Law Society, cast him out.

Worldwide, courageous and truthful individuals received the same draconian treatment. Hundreds of people have come forward with more information. These include former devotees from many countries, some of whom have spent over two decades closely involved in Sathya Sai Baba’s work.

Allegations against him mainly relate to serial sexual abuse of minors and young men, but some to Sathya Sai Baba’s complicity in police executions in his private apartments at Puttaparthi in 1993.

Coming from many countries and educational backgrounds, we have exposed Sathya Sai Baba and his accomplices in major venues. We have precipitated well-researched articles in the press of countries such as Australia, Canada, Denmark, Chile, Germany, Holland, India, UK, USA, and Sweden.

Early last year, the Danish Broadcasting Company aired a 50-minute documentary on the Sathya Sai Baba exposé, titled Seduced. Promptly, the municipal authorities rescinded the sale to Sai devotees of the famous ArresØdal castle in Copenhagen, which was to have been used as a Sai international School.

However, the Indian power structure constantly obstructs our efforts, including the media – with the honourable exceptions of India Today and the unique and brave Ramana Murthy, Editor of Vijayavihaaram. Indian Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee and three high-profile co-signatories of a public letter say that our contentions are “wild, reckless and concocted allegations made by certain vested interests and people against Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.”

After hearing our allegations and having them investigated, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Adelaide, South Australia, withdrew permission for the University to be used as a venue for the Sai National Conference that was scheduled for April 18-25, 2003.

There is a growing network around the planet of people calling for a properly constituted official enquiry and action by governments around the world.

More information can be found at the following multi-lingual website:

Barry Pittard, Qld, Australia.