How can so many Indians be fooled so much of the time?


Date: 06-21-07

From: Ex Baba Admin

Indian dignitaries & well-known names worship

Sathya Sai Baba in public and give credence to his megalomaniacal and impossibly absurd claims?

That alone is TRULY SCANDALOUS and a slur on their intelligence - or perhaps the intellectual honesty - of all involved [quite apart from the many serious allegations of sexual abuse and being a suspect murder accomplice]. A few of the lies promulgated by Sathya Sai Baba documented in his own words can be seen! Indians who continue to allow this self-proclaimed Incarnation of God who says he sent Jesus to earth will become a world laughing stock as time goes by.

Sai-fi fantasy
Sathya Sai Baba firmly claims that he was himself Krishna and was 84 years old at time of Mahabharata war and that he was also Lord Rama and did what is told in the Ramayana, defeating demons, flying in mantra-driven 'airplanes', killing Ravana, banishing his wife etc. How come most Indian politicians accept this?

Sai Legend Howlers
Fantastic legendary stories from Indian mythology are presented as fact by Sathya Sai Baba. This man is recognised as a holy sage by ca. 8 Indian Prime Ministers, Presidents, rich and famous Indians and many influential foreigners. It is worth thinking about how and why they let themselves be so easily deceived.

Creationist Museum in the US and Sai Baba's claims as Creator
The world's first creationist museum, which tells visitors the Earth is only about 6,000 years old. It is in the Petersburg, Kentucky. It makes many too fantastic claims, but does not mention the self-proclaimed Creator of the Universe, Sathya Sai Baba. He could have helped out a lot, one might think!

Sai Baba Howlers
The 2004 tsunami was dealt with 'saientifically' by Sathya Sai Baba - the clownish ‘saviour of mankind' himself, the God who can save or deal out karma. He blamed it on 'man' - retribution for our bad conduct! It also devastated his own State of Andhra Pradesh. Volcanoes and earthquakes - he often proclaims - are the result of 'man's behaviour'. But they began long before man arrived! He is a thumping fundamentalist who says sensual pleasures are making human bodies weaker daily while life-spans shorten. Eye defects are developing due to 'unsacred vision'! But he lost the sight in one eye himself!

So Here is a list of some names who support Sathya Sai Baba in public:-

Current President of India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Pratibha Patil (apparently all set to be next President of India)
Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh (long-term devotee of Sai Baba)
Former Chief Justice of India P.N. Bagawati has been close to Sathya Sai Baba for decades & is on The Sathya Sai Central Trust.
By 1995, it was possible to list more than 55 judges in the Supreme Court, high courts, chief justices, chairmen of various commissions who were SSB devotees.
Chief Justice, Dr A. Anand (who blocked Mr. H. Sampath's petition against SSB).
Supreme Court judges G.F. Ray and Jagannatha Rao visited SB after the birthday celebrations of 23-11-1998.
All accept SSB's unconstitutional authority. Justice J. Easwara Prasad wrote a panegyric in Sathya Sai Baba's journal Sanathana Sarathi in Nov. 1990.

Indian Chief Electoral Commissioner T.N. Seshan (ret'd 1996 - wears ring with large supposed 'diamond' he believes was 'materialised from thin air' by Sai Baba)
Former President of India V.V. Giri & wife Srimatha Saraswati Giri. (see Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram Vol 3 last chapter but two)
Former President of India R. Venkjataraman
Former President of India, B.D. Jatti.
Former President of India Shankar Dayal Sharma
Former PM Indira Gandhi & her son Sanjay Gandhi
Former PM Arjun Singh,
Former PM Rajiv Gandhi,
Former PM, P.V. Narasimha Rao; (Congress)
Former Home Minister S.B. Chavan (Congress)
Former PM of India, Deve Gowda
Current PM of India, Atal Vihari Vajpayee, (BJP)
Current Home Minister L.K. Advani, (BJP)
Gov. of Mysore State Shri Dharma Vira;
Lok Sabha Speaker Shivraj Patil,
Lt. Govenor of Goa State Sri Nakul Sen
Ex-Commander-in-Chief of India's armed forces General Mahadevan,
Former Industry Minister Vijay Bhaskar Reddy, Agric. Minister Balram Jhakar,
Ex-Home Minister S.B. Chavan,
Ex-minister B. Shankaranand,
Ramnath Goenka (Press owner, deceased),
V.K. Narasimhan (Editor-in-Chief Express newspapers -deceased 2000),
A.P. Governor Krishna Kant,
Rajasthan Governor Channa Reddy,
Former AP Chief Minister (and ex-famous film star) N.T. Rama Rao (deceased)
Chief AP Minister N. Chandrababa Naidu (son/heir to Rama Rao)
A.P. Chief Minister Janardhan Reddy,
Karnataka Chief Ministers: Sarekoppa Bangarappa & M. Veerappa Moily,
Air Chief Marshal N.C. Suri.
Dr. Jagannatha Reddy, Senior Physics Lecturer M.S. Ramiah Inst. of Technology
Dr. Gokak - Director of Institute of Advanced Studies, Simla (deceased)
Dr. S. Bhagavantam (deceased) former Vice-Chancellor of Andhra & Osmania Universities;
M.C. Modi (world famous eye surgeon),
Union Minister Rajesh Pilot (deceased)
Guru/magnate Chandra Swami (discredited)
R.A. Bendra (award-winning poet),
Vijal Mallya, Nani Palkhivala. Chandra Shekar, Ashok Singhal,

From abroad Sathya Sai Baba has been visited formally by:-

Italian PM, Antonio Craxxi, (found guilty of massive corruption and ileved in exile - deceased)
King and Queen of Nepal (brutally murdered in 2001 by their son),
The Duchess of York ('Fergie')
Ex-president of Sri Lanka, Ranasingha Premadasa.
Sri Lankan politician, Lalit Athulatmudali.
Princess of Thailand (frequent visitor)
Mr. Trudeaux, brother of the former PM of Canada.
Former PMs of Fiji and Mauritius
US Ambassador to India - in the 1960s (?)
Wayne Peterson is a recently retired career US Diplomat (also believes he met Maitreya!)
According to reports the Italian PM Andreotti visited (there is no reliable documentation of this)
Reports also state that one PM of Greece (?) visited, plus the former Grecian monarch and someone in the Spanish Royal Family. Plus alss the President of El Salvador. These reports may be false, propaganda, such as the entirely false report that prince Charles has visited Sai Baba.
Sai Baba
visited Idi Amin in Kampala in the late 60s and proclaimed him a great devotee!

Entertainers (incomplete list):

Goldie Hawn, George Harrison, Stephen Segal (US 'action' film star), Pandit Ravi Shankar (sitar), M.S. Subbulakshmi and Anupjalota (female singers) Shiv Kumar Sharma (santoor) (all the above are on film with Sai Baba), Maynard Ferguson (trumpet) Manoj Kumar (ex-film star). Sunil Gavaskar, Sachin Tendulkar (and some other Indian cricket stars),